PhD and MSc Dissertation Contest

Phd and MSc dissertation contest - selected papers

This contest recognizes the best of emerging academic work on processing of the Portuguese language and related issues, concluded in the three years preceding the submission deadline.


* Best PhD Dissertation Award
* Best MSc Dissertation Award

Submission Criteria and Procedure:

1. Eligible entrants are those candidates who have successfully defended their dissertations in the three years preceding the contest submission deadline. A letter from the primary dissertation advisor must be submitted with the extended abstract (see number 3.), stating that the candidate meets this eligibility criterion.

2. The dissertation must focus on some aspect of processing of the Portuguese language and related issues. In general, any topic that falls within the scope of PROPOR call for papers is appropriate.

3. Each entry should be in the form of an extended abstract that includes the nature of the problem to be researched, relevant theory, hypotheses to be tested, method, analysis, and indicative references.

4. Documents must be submitted in English (even if the thesis is written in another language).

5. Documents must be formatted in PDF, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 11 point font with 1 inch margins all around. Proposals are limited to 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references and should begin with an abstract of 250 words or less. Authors must use the same style of the PROPOR 2010 conference. The documents will be included in the electronic version of the PROPOR 2010 proceedings (no hard copies will be produced). A web link to the integral work must also be provided.

6. Members of the contest evaluation committee and their students are excluded from the PROPOR 2010 PhD and MSc Dissertation Contest.

7. Submission deadline is December 15, 2009. Entries must be submitted electronically at (no hard copy submissions will be accepted). Notifications to authors will be sent on January 30, 2010.

8. Accepted entrants must prepare an A0 poster (portrait format) to be presented at a special session. Award winners are invited to prepare an oral presentation of their work (15 / 20 minutes).

Important Dates:

December 15, 2009 - Submission deadline.
February 08, 2010 - Notification to authors.

Evaluation Committee:

The PROPOR 2010 PhD and MSc Dissertation Contest evaluation committee, consisting of five members of the PROPOR 2010 Program Committee, will be posted on the PROPOR 2010 website.

hosted by PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul