From Cppreference
template< class > class valarray;
std::valarray is the class for representing and manipulating arrays of values. It supports element-wise mathematical operations and various forms of generalized subscript operators, slicing and indirect access. std::valarray and helper classes are defined to be free of certain forms of aliasing, thus allowing operations on these classes to be optimized.
[edit] Member types
Member type
[edit] Member functions
constructs new valarray (public member function)
destructs the valarray (public member function)
replaces the contents of valarray (public member function)
get/set valarray element, slice, or mask (public member function)
applies a unary arithmetic operator to each element of the valarray (public member function)
applies compound assignment operator to each element of the valarray (public member function)
swaps with another valarray (public member function)
returns the size of valarray (public member function)
changes the size of valarray (public member function)
calculates the sum of all elements (public member function)
returns the smallest element (public member function)
returns the largest element (public member function)
zero-filling shift the elements of the valarray (public member function)
circular shift of the elements of the valarray (public member function)
applies a function to every element of a valarray (public member function)
[edit] Non-member functions
specializes the std::swap() algorithm (function template)
applies binary operators to each element of two valarrays, or a valarray and a value (function template)
compares two valarrays or a valarray with a value (function template)
applies the function std::sin to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::cos to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::tan to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::asin to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::acos to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::atan to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::atan2 to a valarray and a value (function template)
applies the function std::sinh to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::cosh to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::tanh to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::abs to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::exp to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::log to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::log10 to each element of valarray (function template)
applies the function std::pow to two valarrays or a valarray and a value (function template)
applies the function std::sqrt to each element of valarray (function template)
returns a RandomAccessIterator to the first element of the valarray (function template)
returns a RandomAccessIterator one past the last element of the valarray (function template)
[edit] Helper classes
BLAS-like slice of a valarray: starting index, length, stride (class)
proxy to a subset of a valarray after applying a slice (class template)
generalized slice of a valarray: starting index, set of lengths, set of strides (class)
proxy to a subset of a valarray after applying a gslice (class template)
proxy to a subset of a valarray after applying a boolean mask operator[] (class template)
proxy to a subset of a valarray after applying indirect operator[] (class template)