std::round, std::lround, std::llround

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Defined in header <cmath>

int round( float arg );
(C++11 feature)
int round( double arg );
(C++11 feature)
int round( long double arg );
(C++11 feature)
long lround( float arg );
(C++11 feature)
long lround( double arg );
(C++11 feature)
long lround( long double arg );
(C++11 feature)
long long llround( float arg );
(C++11 feature)
long long llround( double arg );
(C++11 feature)
long long llround( long double arg );
(C++11 feature)

Computes nearest integer to arg. Number is rounded away from zero in halfway cases

[edit] Parameters

arg - floating point value

[edit] Return value

nearest integer to arg.

[edit] See also

nearest integer not greater than the given value
nearest integer not less than the given value
trunc (C++11)
nearest integer not greater in magnitude than the given value