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Defined in header <ios>

class ios_base;

The class ios_base provides facilities for inspecting error state of the stream object. Character type independent formatting flags are stored here as well.


[edit] Member functions

constructs the object
(public member function)
destructs the object
(public member function)
manages format flags
(public member function)
sets specific format flag
(public member function)
clears specific format flag
(public member function)
manages decimal precision of floating point operations
(public member function)
manages field width
(public member function)
sets locale
(public member function)
returns current locale
(public member function)
Internal extensible array
xalloc [static]
returns an unique index to be used to access elements in the internal extensible array
(public static member function)
accesses specified element in the internal extensible array of long elements
(public member function)
accesses specified element in the internal extensible array of void* elements
(public member function)
registers event callback function
(public member function)
sync_with_stdio [static]
sets whether C++ and C IO libraries are interoperable
(public static member function)

Member classes

stream exception
(public member class)
initializes standard stream objects
(public member class)

Member types and constants

Type Explanation
stream open mode type

The following constants are also defined:

Constant Explanation
app seek to the end of stream before each write
binary open in binary mode
in open for reading
out open for writing
trunc discard the contents of the stream when opening
ate seek to the end of stream immediately after open
formatting flags type

The following constants are also defined:

Constant Explanation
dec uses decimal base for conversions
oct use octal base for conversions
hex use hexadecimal base for conversions
basefield dec|oct|hex. Useful for masking operations
left left adjustment (adds fill characters to the right)
right right adjustment (adds fill characters to the left)
internal internal adjustment (adds fill characters to the internal designated point)
adjustfield left|right|internal. Useful for masking operations
scientific generate floating point types using scientific notation
fixed generate floating point types using fixed notation
floatfield scientific|fixed. Useful for masking operations
boolalpha insert and extract bool type in alphanumeric format
showbase generate a prefix indicating the numeric base for integer number output
showpoint generate a decimal-point character unconditionally for floating-point number output
showpos generate a + character for non-negative numeric output
skipws skip leading whitespace before certain input operations
unitbuf flush the output after each output operation
uppercase replace certain lowercase letters with their uppercase
equivalents in certain output output operations
state of the stream type

The following constants are also defined:

Constant Explanation
goodbit no error
badbit irrecoverable stream error
failbit input/output operation failed (formatting or extraction error)
eofbit associated input sequence has reached end-of-file
seeking direction type

The following constants are also defined:

Constant Explanation
beg the beginning of a stream
end the ending of a stream
cur the current position of stream position indicator
specifies event type
callback function type