II Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software
Palestra 1 - Richard Taylor - Runtime Software Adaptation: The Triumph of Styles
In 1998 we showed how an application can be adapted at runtime by manipulating its architectural model. In particular, our ICSE 1998 paper demonstrated the beneficial role of (1) software connectors in aiding runtime change, (2) an explicit architectural model fielded with the system and used as the basis for runtime change, and (3) architectural style in providing both structural and behavioral constraints over runtime change. This work has now been recognized as the "most influential paper" from that conference, as assessed over the following decade. This talk re-examines this work and how the need for runtime adaptation has changed and what new techniques have emerged. A broad framework for studying and describing evolution is introduced that serves to unify the wide range of work now found in the field of dynamic software adaptation. This study reveals the increased importance of architectural styles in producing systems with desirable qualities. The talk will conclude with a call for emphasis on development of the sciences of software synthesis, to complement the field's robust science of software analysis.
Richard N. Taylor is a Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Irvine and a member of the Department of Informatics. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1980. Professor Taylor is the Director of the Institute for Software Research, which is dedicated to fostering innovative basic and applied research in software and information technologies through partnerships with industry and government. He has served as chairman of ACM's Special Interest Group on Software Engineering, SIGSOFT; chairman of the steering committee for the International Conference on Software Engineering, was general chair of the 1999 International Joint Conference on Work Activities, Coordination, and Collaboration, and was general chair of the 2004 International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. He is general chair of the 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering.
Taylor was a 1985 recipient of a Presidential Young Investigator Award. In 1998 he was recognized as an ACM Fellow and in 2005 was awarded the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award. In 2008 he received the ICSE 2008 Most Influential Paper Award, for an ICSE 1998 paper which he co-authored with Peyman Oriezy and Nenad Medvidovic.
His research interests are centered on software architectures, especially event-based and peer-to-peer systems, and development environments that support the design task. Along with Nenad Medvidovic and Eric Dashofy, he is the author of a forthcoming textbook on the topic of software architectures. He is really impressed with his graduate students, current and past, for their contributions to application-layer Internet protocols and to the technology of software architectures.
Palestra 2 - Dirk Muthig - Product Lines in Practice: Bridging the Gap between Economics and Engineering
Product line engineering is an organizational approach for making
product development more efficient, which is technically based on
systematic reuse on a large scale. Introducing product line engineering
into practice successfully, however, requires broad organizational
changes that have an impact on all kinds of roles, processes, and
activities. Consequently, significant investments are needed that must
be negotiated with top management. Hence research in the field of
product line engineering often depends on many variables or aspects, and
quickly becomes too complex and loses a clear technical focus.
This talk reports on more than 10 years of experience in transferring
product line engineering into diverse practical contexts and
concurrently improving the underlying product line technology.
It gives ideas on how the complexity of product line approaches can be
divided into smaller pieces that can be tackled by researchers in a
systematic manner.
Dirk Muthig is a division manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) in Kaiserslautern, Germany. He received his Ph.D. from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in 2002 on "lightweight approaches facilitating an incremental transition towards product line engineering". He is with Fraunhofer IESE since 1997 and thus has been involved in the development and definition of Fraunhofer PuLSE right from its very beginning. He is also responsible for all product line aspects of the KobrA method, a model-based approach for engineering product line components. Since 2002, Dirk is responsible for all product-line-related transfer projects and research. His team was involved in the major European projects on software product lines and families. He was program co-chair of the Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) in Kyoto in 2007, and he will be the general chair of SPLC-2009.
Minicurso 1 - Leonardo Murta - Repositórios de Componentes nas Perspectivas de Gerência de Configuração de Software e Reutilização de Software
Repositórios de componentes são tratados de formas distintas por campos distintos da engenharia de software. Sob a perspectiva de Gerência de Configuração de Software, esses repositórios visam manter a consistência do produto durante o desenvolvimento e manutenção, tendo foco principal em controle de versões (e.g. Subversion). Por outro lado, sob a perspectiva de Reutilização de Software, esses repositórios visam servir como local para publicação, busca e recuperação de versões de produção de componentes (e.g. ComponentSource). Neste mini-curso detalharemos a diferença entre esses dois tipos de repositórios e discutiremos as características e estruturas internas de cada um deles.
Leonardo Gresta Paulino Murta é doutor (2006) e mestre (2002) em Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação pela COPPE/UFRJ, e bacharel (1999) em Informática pelo IM/UFRJ. Professor do Instituto de Computação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Seus principais campos de atuação são Gerência de Configuração de Software e Reutilização de Software, tendo diversas publicações nesses temas e prestado consultorias e treinamentos a organizações na implementação de ambos processos. Maiores detalhes podem ser obtidos em http://lattes.cnpq.br/1565296529736448.
Minicurso 2 - Paulo F. Pires - MDA: Uma abordagem prática
A Arquitetura Orientada a Modelos (Model Driven Architecture - MDA) é uma iniciativa do OMG para o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos a qual propõe três diferentes níveis de abstrações para a modelagem de sistemas: Modelo Independente de Computação (Computational Independent Model-CIM), Modelo Independente de Plataforma (Platform Independent Model-PIM) e um Modelo Específico de Plataforma (Platform Specific Model-PSM). Os modelos são mapeados de uma abstração para outra através de processos de transformações sucessivas, durante as quais são incluídos novos elementos no modelo, reduzindo sua abstração até o nível de dependência da plataforma computacional aonde o sistema será implementado. Nesse minicurso serão apresentados os conceitos teóricos chave relacionados ao desenvolvimento orientado a modelos bem como será mostrado como esses conceitos podem ser aplicados na prática no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação. Na parte prática do curso será mostrado como montar e configurar um ambiente voltado para o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos utilizando ferramentas de código aberto e como utilizar esse ambiente para construir sistemas usando o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos.
Paulo F. Pires é doutor em Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação pela COPPE/UFRJ (2002). Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Participa de projetos de consultoria e transferência de tecnologia em gerência de processos de negócio, desenvolvimento baseado em componentes, integração de sistemas e desenvolvimento com MDA em empresas e órgãos públicos tais como: Ministério da Defesa, EMBRATEL, Marinha do Brasil, Secretaria de Informática do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre outras. Membro do grupo de pesquisa ConSist da UFRN no qual pesquisa questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de sistemas orientados a modelos e desenvolvimento de sistemas distribuídos para Web utilizando tecnologias de serviços Web e da Web semântica.