D. Wildt, R. Prikladnicki, "Transitioning
from Distributed and Traditional to Distributed
and Agile: An Experience Report", In:
Darja Smite, Nils Brede Moe, Par J. Agerfalk
(Orgs.). Agility
Across Time and Space, Springer, 2010. |
"Collaboration Tools for Global Software
Engineering". IEEE Software, v. 27, p.
52-55, 2010. |
in Effective Distributed Software Development".
IEEE Software, v. 27, p. 12-15, 2010. |
Models in the Practice of Distributed Software
Development: A Systematic Review of the Literature".
Information and Software Technology, v. 1,
p. 1-1, 2010. |
Software Engineering and the Brazilian Perspective".
Editorial. Journal of the Brazilian Computer
Society, special issue on Global Software
Engineering, v. 16, no 2, 2010. |
PRIKLADNICKI, "Propinquity in Global
Software Engineering: Examining Perceived
Distance in Globally Distributed Project Teams".
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution:
Research and Practice, 2010. |
PRIKLADNICKI, J. L. N. AUDY, "Distributed
Software Development with Captive Centers".
INFOCOMP (UFLA. Impresso), 2010. |
Edição Especial WDDS 2009 e
WOSES 2009: Editorial. INFOCOMP (UFLA. Impresso),
2010. |
Costa, R. Rocha, J. Figueirdo, M. Duarte,
S. Meira, R. Prikladnickii, "Ensino de
Engenharia de Software através de Fábricas
de Software no contexto Distribuído:
Um Relato de Experiência," Accepted
to be presented at Fórum de Educação
em Engenharia de Software. Brazilian Conference
on Software - CBSoft, 2010. |
Costa, R. Rocha, F. Q. B. da Silva, "Desafios
e Boas Práticas para o Gerenciamento
de Projetos
no Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,"
Accepted to be presented at IV Workshop em
Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,
2010, Salvador. WDDS, 2010. |
Rocha, C. Costa, R. Prikladnicki, R. Azevedo,
I. H. F. Juniror, S. Meira, "Modelos
de Colaboração no Desenvolvimento
de Software: uma Revisão Sistemática
da Literatura," Accepted to be presented
at IV Workshop em Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software, 2010, Salvador. WDDS, 2010. |
A. Glanzner, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy,
"Classificando organizações
de Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software no modelo de
capacidade WAVE, " Accepted to be presented
at IV Workshop em Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software, 2010, Salvador. WDDS, 2010. |
E. L. Peixoto, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
"Effort Estimation in Global Software
Development Projects," Accepted to be
presented at International Conference on Global
Software Engineering, 2010. |
Q. B. da Silva, C. Costa, C. C. França,
R. Prikladnicki, "Challenges and Solutions
in Distributed Software Development Project
Management: a Systematic Literature Review,"
Accepted to be presented at International
Conference on Global Software Engineering,
2010. |
C. Costa, C. Cunha, R. Rocha, C. C. França,
F. Q. B. da Silva, R. Prikladnicki, "Models
and Tools for Managing Distributed Software
Development: A Systematic Literature Review",
Proceedings of Evaluation and Assessment in
Software Engineering (EASE 2010). |
E. L. Peixoto, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
"The Importance of the Use of an Estimation
Process," Proceedings of the 3rd Software
Development Governanca Workshop at ICSE 2010. |
Erran Carmel, Rafael Prikladnicki, Does
Time Zone Proximity Matter for Brazil? A Study
of the Brazilian I.T. Industry (July 22,
2010). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1647305. |
Erran Carmel, IT in Brazil and the
wicked problem of coordinating across time
zones: the place of Brazil, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil,
May, 2010.
Click here for information. |
R. Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy.,
M. H. Yamaguti, "Risk Management in Distributed
IT Projects: Integrating Strategic, Tactical,
and Operational Levels", In: Ned Kock
(Org.). E-Collaboration:
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
(3 Volumes). Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group
Publishing, 2009, Chapter 6.7, p. 1243-1259,
Reprint (this work was previously published
in the International Journal of e-Collaboration,
Vol. 2, Issue 4, edited by N. Kock, pp.1-18,
copyright 2006 by IGI Publishing (an imprint
of IGI Global). |
R. Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy.,
M. H. Yamaguti, "Risk Management in Distributed
IT Projects: Integrating Strategic, Tactical,
and Operational Levels", In: Kirk St.Amant
(Org.). Global
Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies,
Tools, and Applications (4 Volumes). Hershey,
Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, 2009,
Chapter 6.3, p. 1723-1738, Reprint (this work
was previously published in the International
Journal of e-Collaboration, Vol. 2, Issue
4, edited by N. Kock, pp.1-18, copyright 2006
by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global). |
R. PRIKLADNICKI, J. L. N. AUDY, "Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software com Captive
Centers". In: III WDDS - III Workshop
em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,
2009, Fortaleza. WDDS, 2009. |
L. N. AUDY, M. CRISTAL, J. WHEELER, "Estimativa
de Esforço em Projetos de DDS".
In: III WDDS - III Workshop em Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software, 2009, Fortaleza.
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Comparing
Offshore Outsourcing and the Internal Offshoring
of Software Development: A Qualitative Study,"
Proceedings of the Americas
Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),
San Francisco, USA, 2009. |
T. Ebling, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
"Towards a requirements reuse method
using Product Line in distributed environments
," Proceedings of the XII Workshop
on Requirements Engineering (WER), Chile
2009. |
R. Prikladnicki, "QUASE – A Quantitative
Approach to Analyze the Human Aspects of Software
Development Projects," Proceedings of
the CHASE Workshop (Collaborative and Human
Aspects of Software Engineering) at ICSE,
Vancouver, Canada, 2009. |
T. Ebling, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
"A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements
Engineering in Distributed Software Development
Environments," Proceedings of the International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(ICEIS), Milano, Italy, 2009. |
Rafael Prikladnicki. Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software em Ambientes de Internal Offshoring:
Um Modelo de Capacidade. PPGCC - FACIN
- PUCRS, 2009. (Tese de Doutorado - PhD Thesis).
(under request) |
R. Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy.,
M. H. Yamaguti, "Risk Management in Distributed
IT Projects: Integrating Strategic, Tactical,
and Operational Levels", In: Felix B.
Tan. (Org.). Global
Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies,
Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). Hershey,
Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, 2008,
Chapter 6.20, p. 1-20, Reprint (this work
was previously published in the International
Journal of e-Collaboration, Vol. 2, Issue
4, edited by N. Kock, pp.1-18, copyright 2006
by IGI Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global). |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Uma
Abordagem Quantitativa para Gerenciar a Distância
Percebida em Equipes Distribuídas de Desenvolvimento
de Software," Infocomp
Journal of Computer Science, Special Edition,
2008, in Portuguese (under request). |
Prikladnicki, and J. L. N. Audy, "Interdisciplinaridade
na Engenharia de Software - Interdisciplinarity
in Software Engineering," In Revista
Scientia, v. 19, n. 2, p. 117-127, July
- Dec, 2008, in Portuguese. |
L. T. Lopes, J. L. N. Audy, "A Requirements
Engineering Process Model for Distributed
Software Development," Proc. ICEIS -
International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 2008. |
L. Pilatti, J. L. N. Audy, "Offshore
Software Development: A Criteria Definition
for References Models Comparison," Proc.
ICEIS - International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 2008. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Gestão
Quantitativa de Pessoas em DDS: primeira aplicação
de um modelo para o cálculo da distância percebida
relativa em equipes distribuídas de desenvolvimento
de software," Proc. Second Brazilian
Workshop on Distributed Software Development
(collocated with the XXII Brazilian Symposium
on Software Engineering), Campinas, Brazil,
2008, in Portuguese. |
Prikladnicki, D. Damian, J. L. N. Audy, "Patterns
of Evolution in the Practice of Distributed
Software Development in Wholly Owned Subsidiaries:
A Preliminary Capability Model," Proc.
IEEE International Conference on Global Software
Engineering (www.icgse.org),
2008, Bangalore, India. |
Prikladnicki, L. Pilatti, "Improving
contextual skills in Global Software Engineering:
A corporate training experience," Proc.
IEEE International Conference on Global Software
Engineering (www.icgse.org),
2008, Bangalore, India. |
Cristal, D. Wildt., R. Prikladnicki, "Usage
of SCRUM practices within CMM global companies,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Global
Software Engineering (www.icgse.org),
2008, Bangalore, India. |
Flávio Franco Knob. RiskFree4PPM:
Uma Proposta de Processo para o Gerenciamento
de Portfólios de Projetos Distribuídos.
PPGCC - FACIN - PUCRS, 2008. (Dissertação
de Mestrado - Master Thesis). (under request) |
Rafael Prikladnicki, Juho Makio. Tutorial
on Risk Management and Distributed Software
Development, ICGSE 2008, Bangalore. |
Rafael Prikladnicki. Siemens (SISL Tech Forum),
Patterns of Evolution in the Management of
Distributed Teams, Bangalore, August 21st,
2008 |
Rafael Prikladnicki. WIPRO - Panel - Talking
Heads, Industry - Academia Collaboration,
Bangalore, India, August 21st, 2008 |
J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki, "Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software: Desenvolvimento
de Software com Equipes Distribuídas",
Série Livros Didáticos Campus-SBC,
Editora Campus/Elsevier, 2007. First book
in portuguese about distributed software development.
here for more information. |
R. Prikladnicki, H. Cukierman, C. Teixeira,
"Um Olhar Sociotécnico sobre a
Engenharia de Software," Revista
de Informática Teórica e Aplicada
(RITA), v. 14, n. 2, p. 199-219, 2007, in
Portuguese (under request). |
Prikladnicki, C. de Souza, "Pesquisas
Qualitativas em Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software: Um Relato de Experiências
com Estudo de Caso e Etnografia," Proc.
IV Experimental Software Engineering Latin
America Workshop, São Paulo, Brazil,
2007, in Portuguese. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, D. Damian, T.
C. Oliveira, "Distributed Software Development:
Practices and challenges in different business
strategies of offshoring and onshoring,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Global
Software Engineering (www.icgse.org),
2007, Munich, Germany. |
H. Szymanski, R. Prikladnicki, "The Evolution
of the Internal Offshore Software Development
Model at Dell Inc," Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Global Software Engineering
2007, Munich, Germany. |
Pilatti, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Avaliando
os Impactos dos Aspectos Não-Técnicos
da Engenharia de Software em Ambientes de
Desenvolvimento Global de Software: Um Caso
Prático," Proc. WOSES - III Workshop
Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico sobre
a Engenharia de Software (www.cos.ufrj.br/~woses),
2007, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. |
Ricardo Rosa Angrisani. Aplicação
de Ontologias à Engenharia de Requisitos
em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software. PPGCC - FACIN - PUCRS, 2007.
(Dissertação de Mestrado - Master
Thesis). (under request) |
Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy,
M. H. Yamaguti, "Risk Management in Distributed
IT Projects: Integrating Strategic, Tactical,
and Operational Levels in a Headquarter-Subsidiary
Relationship," International
Journal of e-Collaboration, v. 2, p. 1-18,
Oct-Dec, 2006. (under request) |
Pilatti, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki, "Software
Configuration Management over a Global Software
Development Environment: Lessons Learned from
a Case Study," Proc . First International
Workshop on Global Software Development for
the Practitioner, 2006, Shangai. Global Software
Development for the Practitioner. USA : ACM
Press, 2006. p. 45-50. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Construção
de Conhecimento e Complexidade na área
de Engenharia de Software," Proc. WOSES
2006 - II Workshop Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico
sobre a Engenharia de Software, 2006, Vila
Velha. V SBQS - Simpósio Brasileiro
de Qualidade de Software, 2006. p. 51-64.
Leonardo, J. L. N. Audy, "Características
do Desenvolvimento Global de Software em Ambientes
Offshore Insourcing," Proc. WOSES - II
Workshop Um Olhar Sociotécnico sobre
a Engenharia de Software, 2006, Vila Velha.
V SBQS - Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade
de Software, 2006. p. 85-94. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Uma Análise
Comparativa de Práticas de Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software no Brasil e
no exterior," Proc. XX SBES - Simpósio
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2006,
Florianópolis. p. 255-270. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo,
"A Reference Model for Global Software
Development: Findings from a Case Study,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Global
Software Engineering. Los Alamitos : IEEE
Computer Society Press, 2006. v. 1. p. 18-25.
Prikladnicki, S. Marczak, Sabrina, J. L. N.
Audy, "MuNDDoS: A Research Group on Global
Software Development,". Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Global Software Engineering.
Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society Press,
2006. v. 1. p. 251-252. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, D. Damian, "Offshore
Sourcing of Software Development Projects:Towards
a Maturity Model Proposal for Offshore Insourcing,"
In: 1st International Doctoral Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE 2006),
2006, Rio de Janeiro. |
Leonardo Pilatti. Estrutura e Características
para Análise de ambientes de Desenvolvimento
Global de Software em Organizações
Offshore Insourcing. PPGCC - FACIN - PUCRS,
2006. (Dissertação de Mestrado
- Master Thesis). (under request) |
Rodrigo Espindola. Um Modelo de Estrutura
para Gerência de Requisitos em Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software. PPGCC
- FACIN - PUCRS, 2006. (Dissertação
de Mestrado - Master Thesis). (under request) |
R. Prikladnicki, D. Damian, J. L. N. Audy,
"Offshoring Distributed Software Development:
Issues and Challenges," Tech. report
DCS-317-IR, Univ. of Victoria, Canada. |
Daniela Damian, A Tutorial on Requirements
Engineering and Challenges of Globally Distributed
Software Projects, Porto Alegre, Brazil,
October, 2006. |
Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
L. Pilatti, L. Lopes, "Innovation in
Information Systems Education-V: The Management
of Outsourcing: Development of a Module with
Implications for the IT Curriculum,"
of the Association for Information Systems,
Volume 15, Article 21, Feb. 2005. |
Evaristo, M. B. W., Manhein, J. L. N. Audy,
"e-Collaboration in Distributed Requirements
Determination," International
Journal of e-Collaboration, Hershey, PA,
USA, v. 1, n. 2, p. 40-55, 2005. (under request) |
Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, K. Gallagher, L.
Lopes, J. L. N. Audy, "The Role of Culture
in Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methodological
Issues in an Exploratory Study of Cross-Cultural
Distributed Software Development," In:
13th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting in Information
Systems at ICIS, 2005, Las Vegas. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Os Aspectos
Não-Técnicos Intervenientes
no Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,"
Proc. WOSES 2005 - I Workshop Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico
sobre a Engenharia de Software, 2005, Rio
de Janeiro, p. 45-56. |
L. N. Audy, R. Espindola, A. Majdenbaum, "Requirement
Engineering challenges for software maintenance
projects in distributed software development
environments,", Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Software Maintenance, 2005,
Budapest. 2005. v. 1. p. 1-10. |
Breitman, M. Sayão, L. M. Couto, "Using
Ontologies in Distributed Software Development,"
Proc. International Workshop on Distributed
Software Development at RE, 2005, Paris, France. |
Lopes, J. L. N. Audy, "Impact of GSD
in requirements specification," Proc.
The Seventeenth International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
2005, Taipei, Taiwan, China. |
Pilatti, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Global
Software Development: Standardization of the
Developing Phase based on the MSF Framework
in a global CMM level 3 context," Proc.
The Seventeenth International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
2005, Taipei, Taiwan, China. |
Espindola, L. Lopes, Prikladnicki, J. L. N.
Audy, "Uma Abordagem Baseada em Gestão
do Conhecimento para Gerência de Requisitos
em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,"
Proc. VIII Workshop on Requirements Engineering,
2005, Cidade do Porto, 2005. v. 1. p. 87-99.
R. Prikladnicki; G. Gomes, A. Majdenbaum,
D. Antunes, M. H. Yamaguti, S. Oliveira, J.
L. N. Audy, "Um Caso Prático de
Implantação da Gerência
de Risco em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software baseado no Modelo CMMI,"
Proc. IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade
de Software, 2005, Porto Alegre. |
M. Vanzin, M. B. Ribeiro, R. Prikladnicki,
I. Ceccato. D. Antunes, "Global Software
Processes Definition in a Distributed Environment,"
Proc. Proceedings of the 29th Annual NASA/IEEE
Software Engineering Workshop, Washington
DC, USA, 2005. |
L. Pilatti, J. L. N. Audy, "Towards a
Global Software Development Maturity Model,"
Proc. VII ICEIS - International Conference
on Enterprise Information Systems, 2005, Miami.
2005. |
R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki,
J. Avritchir, "Wholly Owned Offshore
Subsidiaries for IT Development: A Program
of Research," Proc Proc. of the 38th
Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences - HICSS. Hawaii, USA, 2005. |
L. Lopes, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy,
A. Majdenbaum, "Requirements Specification
in Distributed Software Development - A Process
Proposal," Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences - HICSS. Hawaii,
USA, 2005. |
Daniela Damian. Talk on the Importance
of Requirements Engineering in Software Process
Improvement. SPIN-RS (Software Process
Improvement Network), Porto Alegre, Brazil,
November 2005. |
Rafael Prikladnicki, Sabrina Marczak. A
Tutorial on Quality in Distributed Software
Development Environments, IV SBQS - Simpósio
Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, Porto
Alegre, Brazil, June, 2005. |
J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki, "Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software: Desenvolvimento
de Software com Equipes Distribuídas",
Série Livros Didáticos Campus-SBC,
Editora Campus/Elsevier, 2007. First book
in portuguese about distributed software development.
here for more information. |
R. Espindola, A. Majdenbaum, J. L. N. Audy,
"Uma Análise Crítica dos
Desafios para Engenharia de Requisitos em
Manutenção de Software,"
Proc. VII Workshop on Requirements Engineering,
2004, Tandil, Argentina, 2004. |
R. Prikladnicki, L. Lopes, J. L. N. Audy,
R. Evaristo, "Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software: um Modelo de Classificação
dos Níveis de Dispersão dos
Stakeholders," Proc. I SBSI -
Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de
Informação, 2004, Porto Alegre.
R. Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, "Implicações
de um Modelo de Gerência de Projeto
Voltado para um Ambiente de Desenvolvimento
de Software Fisicamente Distribuído
no Modelo do PMI," Proc. I SBSI - Simpósio
Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação,
2004, Porto Alegre. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "MuNDDoS:
Um Modelo de Referência para Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software," Proc.
XVIII SBES - Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software, 2004, Brasília.
2004. |
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo,
"A Reference Model for Global Software
Development," Proc. 5TH IFIP Working
Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 2004, Toulosse.
2004. |
R. Prikladnicki, M. H. Yamaguti, D. Antunes,
"Risk Management in Distributed Software
Development: A Process Integration Proposal,
" Proc. 5TH IFIP Working Conference on
Virtual Enterprises, 2004, Toulosse. 2004.
Avritchir, R. Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo,
J. L. N. Audy, "A Maturity Model for
Offshore Insourcing: A Research Proposal,"
Proc. AMCIS 2004 - American Conference on
Information Systems, 2004, Nova York. 2004.
L. N. Audy, L. Lopes, "Towards a reference
model for requirement engineering in distributed
software development," Proc. CAiSE
- 16th International Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering, Riga, Letonia.
Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo,
"An Empirical Study on Global Software
Development: Offshore Insourcing of IT Projects,"
Proc. Third International Workshop on Global
Software Development at ICSE, 2004, Edimburgo.
2004. |
R. Prikladnicki, M. H. Yamaguti, "Risk
Management in Global Software Development:
A Position Paper," Proc. Third International
Workshop on Global Software Development at
ICSE, 2004, Edimburgo. 2004. |
L. Lopes, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy,
"Distributed Requiremens Specification:
Minimizing the Effect of Geographic Dispersion,"
Proc. VI ICEIS - International Conference
on Enterprise Information Systems, 2004, Cidade
do Porto. 2004. |
J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo, M. B. W. Manheim,
"Distributed analysis, the last frontier?,"
Proc. 37th Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences - HICSS. Hawaii, USA, 2004. |
Damian. Talk on Global Software Development:
Growing Opportunities, Ongoing Challenges.
I Workshop on Distributed Software Development,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, December, 2004. |
Damian. A Tutorial on Requirements Engineering
with distributed teams. I Workshop on
Distributed Software Development, Porto Alegre,
Brazil, December, 2004. |
Prikladnicki. Lecture on Software Development
with Distributed Teams. Semanda Acadêmica
da Faculda de de Informática da PUCRS,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, September, 2004. |
Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, " Project Management
Model for a Physically Distributed Software
Development Environment," EMJ Special
Issues - Engineering Management Journal, EMJ,
Special Issue on Project Management in Information
Systems and Technology, 2003. (under request) |
Sa, S. Marczak, J. L. N. Audy, J. Avritchir,
"Effectiveness of Fiscal Incentives to
Attract IT Investments: A Brazilian case,"
Electronic Journal on Information Systems
In Developing Countries. United States: ,
v.15, n.1, 2003. (under request) |
R. Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, "Um Modelo
de Gerência de Projetos Voltado para
E-Business: Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de
Software Fisicamente Distribuído,"
Proc. IADIS - Internation Association for
Development of the Information Society / Conferencia
IADIS Ibero Americana WWW/Internet 2003. Algarve,
Portugal, 2003. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Requirements
Engineering in Global Software Development:
Preliminary Findings from a Case Study in
a SW-CMM context," Proc. V SIMPROS -
Simpósio Internacional de Melhoria
de Processo de Software, Pernambuco, 2003. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, "Um Modelo
de Referência para Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software," Proc. 8o WTES e 2o WTDBD.
Manaus: EDUA - Editora da Universidade Federal
do Amazonas, 2003. v. 1, p. 89-94. |
L. Lopes, A. Majdenbaum, J. L. N. Audy, "Uma
proposta para processo de requisitos em ambientes
de desenvolvimento distribuido de software,"
Proc. WER'03 - Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos.
Piracicaba, SP. RJ: PUCRJ, 2003. |
L. Lopes, J. L. N. Audy, "Em busca de
um modelo de referencia para engenharia de
requisitos em ambiente de desenvovimento distribuido
de software," Proc. WER'03 - Workshop
em Engenharia de Requisitos. Piracicaba, SP.
RJ: PUCRJ, 2003. |
L. Sa, S. Marczak, J. Avritchir, J. L. N.
Audy, "Effectiveness of fiscal incentives
to attract IT investments: a brazilian case,"
Proc. AMCIS - Americas Conference in Information
Systems, Tampa, Florida, USA. AIS, 2003. |
L. Sa, S. Marczak, D. Antunes, J. L. N. Audy,
"Quality Management as a competitive
strategy in a distributed software development
environment," Proc. AMCIS - Americas
Conference in Information Systems, Tampa,
Florida, USA. AIS, 2003. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo,
"Requirements Management in Global Software
Development: Preliminary Findings from a Case
Study in a SW-CMM context," Proc. Second
International Workshop on Global Software
Development at ICSE, 2003, Portland, Oregon,
2003. |
R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy, R. Evaristo,
"Distributed Software Development: Toward
an Understanding of the Relationship between
Project Team, Users and Customers," Proc.
V ICEIS - International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems, 2003, Angers, p. 417-423. |
R. Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, "Project Management
Model for a Physically Distributed Software
Development Environment," Proc. of the
36th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences - HICSS. Hawaii, USA, Track 8, p.249.2,
January 06-09, 2003. |
Rafael Prikladnicki. MuNDDoS - Um Modelo
de Referência para Desenvolvimento Distribuído
de Software. PPGCC - FACIN - PUCRS, 2003.
(Dissertação de Mestrado - Master
Thesis). (under request) |
R. Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, "Modelo de
Gerencia de Proyecto de Software: Propuesta
de Extencion de los Procesos de Gestion do
PMI," Proc. PMI - 3er. Congreso Ibero
Americano de Gerencia de Proyectos, 2002,
Caracas, Venezuela, 2002. |
R. Zanoni, J. L. N. Audy, " Gerência
de Projeto de Software em Ambiente Fisicamente
Distribuído: Um Estudo de Caso,"
Proc. CACIC 2002 - VIII Congresso Argentino
de Ciencias de la Computation, 2002, Buenos
Aires, p. 798-809. |
R. Prikladnicki ,J. L. N. Audy, "Towards
a Model of Software Development Process for
a Physically Distributed Environment - Minimizing
communication difficulties and adding planning
and evaluation view to the software development
life cycle," Proc. CACIC 2002 - VIII
Congresso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computation,
2002, Buenos Aires, p. 798-809. |
R. Prikladnicki , F. Peres, J. L. N. Audy,
M. C. Móra, A. Perdigoto, "Requirements
Specification Model in a Software Development
Process Inside a Phisically Distributed Environment,"
Proc. IV ICEIS - International Conference
on Enterprise Information Systems, 2002, Ciudad
Real. Portugal: ICEIS Press, 2002. v. 2, p.
830-834. |
Roberto Zanoni. Modelo de Gerencia de Projeto
de Software Orientado a Objeto para Ambientes
Fisicamente Distribuidos. PPGCC - FACIN
- PUCRS, 2002. (Dissertação
de Mestrado - Master Thesis). (under request) |