Hermes Multiprocessor System on Chip

File Structure


+-- README.txt
+-- applications                 #  example of applications
|   +-- MPEG4
|   +-- MWD
|   +-- VOPD
|   +-- aes
|   +-- dijkstra
|   +-- dtw
|   +-- fixe_base_test_16
|   +-- mpeg
|   +-- prod_cons
|   +-- synthetic
+-- build_env                    # software to build the environment 
|   +-- HeMPS_Debugger.jar
|   +-- bin
|   +-- deloream_env.py
|   +-- makes
|   +-- scripts
|   +-- testcase_builder.py
|   +-- waves
+-- docs
+-- hardware                     # hardware description - VHDL and SystemC
|   +-- sc
|   |   +-- hemps.cpp
|   |   +-- hemps.h
|   |   +-- pe
|   |   |   +-- dmni
|   |   |   +-- memory
|   |   |   +-- pe.cpp
|   |   |   +-- pe.h
|   |   |   +-- processor
|   |   |   +-- router
|   |   +-- standards.h
|   |   +-- test_bench.cpp
|   |   +-- test_bench.h
|   +-- vhdl
|       +-- hemps.vhd
|       +-- pe
|       |   +-- dmni
|       |   +-- memory
|       |   +-- pe.vhd
|       |   +-- processor
|       |   +-- router
|       +-- standards.vhd
|       +-- test_bench.vhd
+-- software                     #  operating system code
|   +-- boot_task
|   +-- include
|   +-- kernel
|   |   +-- master
|   |   +-- slave
|   +-- modules
+-- testcases                    # examples of testcases
    +-- example.yaml
    +-- regression
        +-- 12x12_4x4_2t.yaml
        +-- 16x16_4x4_2t.yaml
        +-- 3x3_3x3_2t.yaml
        +-- 6x6_3x3_2t.yaml
        +-- 8x8_4x4_2t.yaml
        +-- 8x8_4x4_3t.yaml
        +-- 8x8_4x4_4t.yaml
        +-- 9x9_3x3_2t.yaml
        +-- 9x9_3x3_3t.yaml
        +-- 9x9_3x3_4t.yaml