Prof. Soraia Raupp Musse
PUCRS - School of Technology - Graduate Course in Computer Science
Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Building 32, Room 609, CEP 90619-900
Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
Phone (office): +55 51 33538609
Fax: +55 51 33203621
[email protected]Scientific Information:
MONTANHA, RUBENS HALBIG ; RAUPP, G. ; POLICARPO, A. C. ; ARAUJO, V. F. A. ; RAUPP MUSSE, SORAIA . Micro and macro facial expressions by driven animations in realistic Virtual Humans. Elsevier ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING, 2024. DOI
Gabriel Fonseca Silva, Paulo Ricardo Knob, Rubens Halbig Montanha, Soraia Raupp Musse. Evaluating and comparing crowd simulations: Perspectives from a crowd authoring tool. Graphical Models, Volume 131, 2024, ISSN 1524-0703. DOI
Melgare, J K ; ROHMER, D. ; Musse, Soraia Raupp ; CANI, M. . Reactive Gaze during Locomotion in Natural Environments. COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, 2024. DOI
Paulo Knob, Greice Pinho, Gabriel Fonseca Silva, Rubens Montanha, Vitor Peres, Victor Araujo, Soraia Raupp Musse. Surveying the evolution of virtual humans expressiveness toward real humans. Elsevier Computer & Graphics - UK. DOI
Abbate, J., Narasimhan, S., Odeh, S., Bedwei, F. N., Musse, S. R., & Rieser, V. I wrote my first piece of code at seven: Women share highs and lows in computer science for Ada Lovelace Day. Nature, 622(7982), 238-241. DOI
KOLLING, Camila; VELOSO, Adriano ; MUSSE, Soraia R. Mitigating Bias in Facial Analysis Systems by Incorporating Label Diversity. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK, 2023. DOI
Soraia Raupp Musse, Nuria Pelechano: Fighting Pandemics With Computer Graphics and Applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 43(1): 37-38 (2023) DOI
DALMORO, BRUNA M. ; MONTEIRO, CHARLES ; MUSSE, SORAIA R. . Identifying influences between artists based on artwork faces and geographic proximity. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK, v. 114, p. 116-125, 2023. DOI
KNOB, PAULO ; PIZZOL, N. D. ; MUSSE, S. R. ; PELACHAUD, C. . Arthur and Bella: Multi-purpose Empathetic AI Assistants for Daily Conversations. THE VISUAL COMPUTER (INTERNET), 2023. DOI
Julia Kubiak Melgare, Rossana Baptista Queiroz, Soraia Raupp Musse: Investigating Emotion Style in Human Faces Using Clustering Methods. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 42(4): 52-71 (2022) DOI
Victor Flavio de Andrade Araujo, Julia Melgare, Bruna Martini Dalmoro, Soraia Raupp Musse: Is the Perceived Comfort With CG Characters Increasing With Their Novelty? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 42(1): 32-46 (2022) DOI
Roberto M. Cesar Jr., Soraia Raupp Musse, Nuria Pelechano, Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang: Conference on graphics, patterns and images. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 159: 223 (2022) DOI
Bruna Martini Dalmoro, Soraia Raupp Musse: Using Visual Features and Early Views to Classify the Popularity of Facebook Videos. J. Braz. Comput. Soc. 28(1): 52-58 (2022) DOI
Nina N. Zahn, Greice P. Dal Molin, Soraia Raupp Musse: Investigating sentiments in Brazilian and German Blogs. J. Braz. Comput. Soc. 28(1): 96-103 (2022) DOI
MUSSE, S. R.; FORMICO, M. A. ; MATTAR, J. ; FRAGOSO, S. . Guest Editorial: SBGames 2018. ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING, v. 38, p. 100424, 2021. DOI
ARAUJO, V. F. A. ; DALMORO, B. ; MUSSE, SORAIA R. . Analysis of charisma, comfort and realism in CG characters from a gender perspective. THE VISUAL COMPUTER, 2021. DOI
MIGON FAVARETTO, RODOLFO ; MUSSE, SORAIA R. ; Felipe Andrade ; Brandelli, A. C. . Cultural Behaviours Analysis in Video Sequences. MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS, 2021. DOI
MUSSE, SORAIA R.; CASSOL, VINICIUS j.; THALMANN, DANIEL. A History of Crowd Simulation: The Past, Evolution, and New Perspectives. THE VISUAL COMPUTER, 2021. DOI
Soraia Raupp Musse, Roberto M. Cesar Jr., Nuria Pelechano, Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang: Foreword to the special section on SIBGRAPI-Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images is an international conference 2020. Comput. Graph. 94: 5- (2021) DOI
MUSSE, S. R.; Marcondes, R ; PELECHANO, N. ; WANG, A. Foreword to the Special Section on 33rd Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images. (Preface). COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK, v. 1, p. 1, 2020.
Estevao Testa ; Barros, R ; MUSSE, S. R. . CrowEst: A Method for Estimating (and not Simulating) Crowd Evacuation Parameters in Generic Environments. THE VISUAL COMPUTER, 2019.
FAVARETTO, R. ; Santos, R ; Felipe Andrade ; Brandelli, A. C. ; MUSSE, S. R. . Investigating Cultural Aspects in the Fundamental Diagram using Convolutional Neural Networks and Virtual Agents Simulation. COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS, 2019.
Soraia Raupp Musse, Daniel Thalmann, Rafael Bidarra. Foreword to the Special Section on XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames 2018) Computers & Graphics (Preface). Elsevier Computers & Graphics (2018). DOI
Tharindu Mathew, Paulo Knob, Soraia Raupp Musse, Daniel Aliaga. Urban Walkability Design using Virtual Population Simulation. Published at Computer Graphics Forum (2018). DOI
Rodolfo Migon Favaretto, Paulo Knob, Soraia Raupp Musse, Felipe Vilanova e Angelo Brandelli Costa. Detecting Personality and Emotion Traits in Crowds from Video Sequences. Published at Springer Machine Vision Applications (2018). DOI
Novello, Bruno; Renner, Anelise., Maurer, Guilherme., Musse, Soraia. Arteche, Adriane. Development of the Youth Emotion Picture Set (YEPS). Accepted for publication at Perception. (2018) DOI
L. Chen, C. R. Jung, S. R. Musse, M. Moneimne, C. Wang, R. Fruchter, V. Bazjanac, G. Chen, and N. I. Badler. Crowd Simulation Incorporating Thermal Environments and Responsive Behaviors. Published at MIT Presence, Cambridge, Mass. (2018) DOI
Braun, Adriana; Queiroz, Rossana; Lee, Wonsook; Feijo, Bruno; Musse, Soraia Raupp. Persona: A Method for Facial Analysis in Video and Application in Entertainment. Published at ACM Computers in Entertainment. (2018) DOI
Knob, Paulo; Fontoura, Marlon; Testa, Estevao; Favaretto, Rodolfo; Lima, Gabiel; Dihl, Leandro and Musse, Soraia Raupp. Generating background NPCs motion and grouping behavior based on real video sequences. Published at Elsevier Entertainment Computing (2018). DOI
Cassol, Vinicius J. ; Estevao testa ; JUNG, Claudio Rosito ; USMAN, M. ; FALOUTSOS, P. ; BERSETH, G. ; KAPADIA, M. ; N. Badler ; Musse, Soraia Raupp . Evaluating and Optimizing Evacuation Plans for Crowd Egress. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2017. DOI
Dal Bianco, Cliceres. Braun, Adriana; MUSSE, S. R. Preserving the Motion Features in Non-Avoiding Collisions Crowds. ACM Computers in Entertainment. (2017) DOI
Queiroz, Rossana B. ; Braun, Adriana and Musse, Soraia Raupp . A framework for generic facial expression transfer. Elsevier Entertainment Computing v. 18, p. 125-141, 2017. DOI
Igor R. de Almeida ; Vinicius J. Cassol ; Norman I. Badler ; Soraia R. Musse ; Claudio Rosito Jung. Detection of Global and Local Motion Changes in Human Crowds. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ). DOI
Raposo, Alberto; MUSSE, S. R.; Gain, James. Visual Computing and the Progress of Developing Countries. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 2016. DOI
JACQUES JR, Julio ; MUSSE, S. R. Shape-Based Pedestrian Segmentation in Still Images. Int. J. Semantic Computing 10, 53 (2016). DOI
Camozzato, D. ; Leandro Dihl ; Silveira, I. ; MARSON, F. P. ; MUSSE, S. R. . Procedural floor plan generation from building sketches. The Visual Computer, 2015. . DOI
JUNG, Claudio Rosito ; SOLDERA, John ; Bins, Jose; Cohen, Marcelo ; JACQUES JR, Julio ; MUSSE, S. R. . High Level Event Detection based on Spatial Occupancy and Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 2015. DOI
Fontes, A.B. ; PELACHAUD C. ; MUSSE, S. R. . Emotion Contagion Model for Crowds. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, 2016.
Queiroz, Rossana B. ; Musse, Soraia Raupp ; N. Badler . Investigating Macroexpressions and Microexpressions in Computer Graphics Animated Faces. MIT Presence (Cambridge, Mass.), v. 23, p. 191-208, 2014. DOI
MUSSE, SORAIA R. ; Cassol, Vinicius J. ; JUNG, CLAUDIO R. . Towards a quantitative approach for comparing crowds. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (print), v. 23, p. 49-57, 2012. DOI
Bicho, Alessandro de Lima ; Rodrigues, Rafael Araujo ; Musse, Soraia Raupp ; Jung, Claudio Rosito ; Paravisi, Marcelo ; MAGALHaES, Leo Pini. Simulating crowds based on a space colonization algorithm. Elsevier Computers & Graphics, v. 36, p. 70-79, 2012. DOI
JACQUES JUNIOR, Julio. ; MUSSE, S. R., JUNG, Claudio Rosito. Crowd Analysis Using Computer Vision. Published in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine - in Special issue on Video Analytics for Surveillance Theory and Practice, 2010. DOI
RODRIGUES, R. ; PARAVISI, M. ; BICHO, A. DE L. ; MAGALHaES, Leo Pini ; JUNG, Claudio ; MUSSE, S. R. . An Interactive Model for Steering Behaviors of Groups of Characters. Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2010. DOI
BLUM, Cesar ; JACQUES JUNIOR, Julio ; CAVALHEIRO, Gerson Geraldo H ; JUNG, Claudio Rosito ; MUSSE, S. R. . An Improved Background Subtraction Algorithm and Concurrent Implementations. Published in Parallel Processing Letters, 2010. DOI
MARSON, F.; MUSSE, S. R. Automatic Generation of Floor Plans Based on Squarified Treemaps Algorithm. Accepted for publication in IJCGT - International Journal on Computers Games Technology, 2010. DOI
BARROS, L. M.; MUSSE, S. R. " Towards Consistency in Interactive Storytelling: Tension Arcs and Dead Ends ". ACM Computers in Entertainment. ISSN 1544-3574. Volume 6 , Issue 3 (October 2008), Article No. 43, Oct. 2008. DOI
QUEIROZ, R.; BARROS, L. M.; MUSSE, S. R. Providing Expressive Gaze to Virtual Animated Characters in Interactive Applications. ACM Computers in Entertainment. ISSN 1544-3574. Volume 6 , Article No. 41, Oct. 2008. DOI
JUNG, C. R.; HENNEMANN, L.; MUSSE, S. R. "Event Detection Using Trajectory Clustering and 4D Histograms". Special issue on Event Analysis in Videos in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Publication Date: Nov. 2008, Volume: 18, Issue: 11, Pp. 1565-1575, ISSN: 1051-8215, DOI
Barros, L. M. S. R. Musse. "Planning Algorithms for Interactive Storytelling". ACM Computers in Entertainment. ISSN 1544-3574. 2007. DOI
MUSSE, S. R.; JUNG, C. R.; Julio Jacques Junior and Adriana Braun. "Using Computer Vision to Simulate the Motion of Virtual Agents". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. 2007. DOI
C. R. Jung, Julio Jacques Junior, Adriana Braun, S. R. Musse. "Understanding People Motion in Video Sequences Using Voronoi Diagrams". Pattern Analysis & Applications Journal. 2007. DOI
M. Gehling, C. Hofsetz, S. R. Musse. "Normalpaint: An Interactive Tool for Painting Normal maps". TVC-The Visual Computer. 2007. DOI
SCHLEMMER, Eliane ; GARRIDO, Suzane ; MUSSE, S. R. . Evaluation of Conversational Agents:Maria and ET. IE Comunicaciones, v. 1, p. 35-48, 2007.
Before 2005
S. R. Musse, et al. "PetroSim - Um Sistema para Simulacao de Multidoes em Situa es de Emerg ncia". Revista Petro & Qu mica - Petr leo - G s - Petroqu mica - Qu mica. Nro 268, Janeiro de 2005, pp. 60-65. 2005
L. M. Barros, S. R. Musse, "Utilizando T cnicas de Interactive Storytelling para Gera o Din mica de Enredos para Jogos". Revista Scientia, 15(2), 2004, S o Leopoldo, RS, Brazil . Pp. 132-139. 2004.
A. Braun, S. R. Musse, B. E. J. Bodmann. "Simula o de Evacua o de Multid es". Revista Scientia, 14(1), 2003, S o Leopoldo, RS, Brazil.
L.M. Barros, T. F. Evers, S. R. Musse. "A Framework to Investigate Behavioural Models". Journal of WSCG. Plzen, Vol. 10, n.1, pp-40-47. February 2002.
Pandzic, I.; Babski, C.; apin, T.; Lee, W.; Raupp Musse, S.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Mocozzet, L.; Thalmann, D. "Simulating Virtual Humans in Networked Virtual Environments". In PRESENCE Journal: Teleoperators and Virtual Environment. V.10, N.6, pp. 632-646, December, 2001.The MIT Press Journals. DOI
Raupp Musse, S. "Behavioural Animation of Virtual Human Actors". Revista de Inform tica Te rico e Aplicada - RITA, Porto Alegre, v.8, pp 125-141, 2001.
Raupp Musse, S. and Thalmann, D. "A Hierarchical Model for Real Time Simulation of Virtual Human Crowds". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, V. 7, N.2, pp. 152-164, April-June, 2001. DOI
Thalmann, D.; Raupp Musse, S. and Kallmann, M. "From Individual Human Agents to Crowds". In Informatik/Informatique - Revue des Organizations suisses d informatique. V. 1 Nro 1, February 2000.
Farenc, N., Raupp Musse, S., Schweiss, E., Kallmann, M., Aune, O., Boulic, R., Thalmann, D. "A Paradigm for Controlling Virtual Humans in urban Environment Simulations". Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal - Special Issue on Intelligent Virtual Environments., 1999. pp. 69-91, V. 14, N. 1.
Normand, V., Babski, C., Benford, S., Bullock, A., Carion, S., Chrysanthou, Y., Farcet, N., Fr con, E., Harvey, J., Kuijpers, N., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Raupp Musse, S., Rodden, T., Slater, M., Smith, G., Steed, A., Thalmann, D., Tromp, J., Usoh, M., Van Liempd, G., & Kladias, N. "The COVEN project: exploring applicative, technical and usage dimensions of collaborative virtual environments." PRESENCE Journal: Teleoperators and Virtual Environment. V.8, N.2, pp. 218-236, April, 1999. The MIT Press Journals. DOI