TUTORIALS - Submission deadline has now passed.
Call for Tutorial Proposals
The ICGSE 2007 Organizing Committee invites tutorial proposals for the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) which will take place from August 27-30, 2007 in Munich, Germany.
This call is an invitation for scientists and practitioners working in the field of global software development to submit proposals for high quality tutorials for ICGSE 2007. Tutorials must be designed as half-day (four hour) sessions, including a 30 minute break at their midpoint or full-day (two four hour sessions with breaks for coffee and lunch).
ICGSE2007 Tutorial Proposal (max. 4 pages)
Title: (please provide a short informative title here of max. 20 words - the title must be attractive and should make a reader curious.)
Topic Area: Select one from the following and delete the rest, or if you selecting more than one topic, please indicate the percentage of each topic:
. Requirements engineering
. Project management
. Testing
. Experimental design
. Build and release management
. Database and data integration
. Knowledge management
. Communication
. Other: please provide details.
Main Presenter: (the professional and teaching experience of this person will be critical in the selection process)
. Title (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof/other)
. Full name
. Affiliation
. Mailing Address
. Email address
. Telephone number - work and cell if available, with country and city codes
. Teaching experience
. Earlier tutorial presentations and feedback if any - give tutorial title, conference name, location, year.
Second presenter: (optional)
. Title (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof/other)
. Full name
. Affiliation
. Mailing Address
. Email address
. Telephone number - work and cell if available, with country and city codes
. Home page URL
. Teaching experience
. Earlier tutorial presentations and feedback if any - give tutorial title, conference name, location, year.
Other contributors to the tutorial presentation (optional; max. 2 names):
50-word abstract: Please provide a brief explanatory abstract here for advertising your tutorial.
Tutorial level: Introductory/Advanced
Prior knowledge required: please state clearly what knowledge you expect from your participants to have, such as "an introductory knowledge of statistics" or "suitable for those already familiar with offshore methods".
Suitability of this tutorial for ICGSE:
Please provide a brief statement here as to why you think this tutorial will fit the multi-disciplinary ICGSE audience, emphasizing:
. Timeliness
. Audience - who will benefit from this tutorial? Students? Researchers? Practitioners?
. Applicability to the current problems in global software development.
Tutorial Outline
. The outline should be a table of contents of the tutorial, with a few keywords for each section, and with a rough estimate of the time spent on each.
. Total time available for the tutorial: 3.5 hours including 0.5 hours for discussion.
Proposals must be submitted in the MS Word or PDF templates provided.
All submissions will be evaluated by a committee, which will consider the following criteria:
. Relevance, interest, and value of the topic to ICGSE attendees
. Completeness, clarity, and quality of the tutorial proposal
. Expertise and experience of the presenters in the proposed topic
. Expertise and experience of the presenters in delivering a successful educational experience
. Effectiveness of the proposed presentation approach.
Tutorials serve an educational function and are expected to provide perspective on a field of research. They are not to focus on the presenters' own research or software. Such presentations should be submitted as papers or demonstrations. Tutorial attendees often consider the reputation and standing of the presenters as one of their criteria for choosing particular sessions. Therefore, it is expected presenters listed on the submitted proposal will be at the conference to present their tutorials.
Important Dates: Tutorial proposals are due February 15, 2007.
Submitting your tutorial proposal:
Please save the template file using the last name of the first presenter. If the first presenter is John Doe, then save to "doe.doc" or "doe.pdf" and email the file to the ICGSE 2007 Tutorials Chair: Bernd Bruegge, Technical University Munich, Applied Software Engineering