Implements the API for the user's task and defines the structure Message, used by tasks to exchange messages.
Go to the source code of this file.
#define | EXIT 0 |
#define | WRITEPIPE 1 |
#define | READPIPE 2 |
#define | GETTICK 3 |
#define | ECHO 4 |
#define | REALTIME 5 |
#define | MemoryWrite(A, V) *(volatile unsigned int*)(A)=(V) |
#define | TRUE 1 |
#define | FALSE 0 |
#define | Send(msg, target) while(!SystemCall(WRITEPIPE, (unsigned int*)msg, target,0)) |
#define | Receive(msg, source) while(!SystemCall(READPIPE, (unsigned int*)msg, source,0)) |
#define | GetTick() SystemCall(GETTICK,0,0,0) |
#define | Echo(str) SystemCall(ECHO, (char*)str,0,0) |
#define | exit() while(!SystemCall(EXIT, 0, 0, 0)) |
#define | RealTime(period, deadline, execution_time) while(!SystemCall(REALTIME, period, deadline, execution_time)) |
#define | MSG_SIZE 128 |
Implements the API for the user's task and defines the structure Message, used by tasks to exchange messages.
HEMPS VERSION - 8.0 - support for RT applications
Distribution: June 2016
Edited by: Marcelo Ruaro - contact:
Research group: GAPH-PUCRS - contact: