- Associate Professor, PUCRS,
Brazil, 2004 - present |
- Director at TECNOPUC (PUCRS`s Science and Technology Park), Dec/2013 - present |
Consultant and Instructor, Process improvement, Agile
Methods, Distributed Software Development, Project Management |
Consultant at 2 companies - MPS.BR
(Brazilian reference model for software quality), Third
Group (3 companies), 2008-09 |
Consultant - CMMI
level 3, Tlantic
SI, 2007 |
Consultant at 1 company - MPS.BR
(Brazilian reference model for software quality), Second
Group (5 companies), 2007 |
Consultant at 2 companies - MPS.BR
(Brazilian reference model for software quality), First
Group (7 companies), 2006 |
Consultant at 2 companies - CMMI
- Group of 7 companies (Collaboration among
Microsoft, ISD Brasil), 2005-2007 |
Project Management Professional (PMP),
2005 |
Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP),
2011 |
certified consultant, 2005 |
Certified Scrum Master (SCM) |
Consultant - CMMI
level 2, Tlantic
SI and DBServer,
2004 |
Software Project Manager, Dell/PUCRS Agreement, 2001-2002 |
Software Project Manager, Binario
Internet, 2000-2001 |
Siemens (SISL Tech Forum), Patterns of Evolution in
the Management of Distributed Teams, Bangalore, August
21st, 2008 |
WIPRO - Panel - Talking Heads, Industry - Academia
Collaboration, Bangalore, India, August 21st, 2008 |
Keynote at SIMS 2006, Distributed Software Development
(in Portuguese), Uruguaiana, November 8th, 2006 |
Audy, Rafael Prikladnicki
Distributed Software Development,
in Portuguese, 232 pages
Campus/Elsevier, 2007 |
Afonso Inácio Orth, Rafael Prikladnicki
Project Planning and Management,
in Portuguese
ediPUCRS, 2009 |
Among the best projects of the year, Braziliam Program
on Software Quality and Productivity (PBQP-SW),
2009 |
Dorgival Brandão Junior Annual Prize - one of the best
projects of the year (PBQP-SW),
2008 |
Among the three best papers of WDDS
2008 |
Among the three best papers of WDDS
2007 |
Among the best projects of the year, Braziliam Program
on Software Quality and Productivity (PBQP-SW),
2007 |
Among the best projects of the year, Braziliam Program
on Software Quality and Productivity (PBQP-SW),
2006 |
Among the best papers of WOSES
2006 |
Among the best projects of the year, Braziliam Program
on Software Quality and Productivity (PBQP-SW),
2005 |
Award for Innovation in Information Systems Education,
2004 |
committee member
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
2010 |
Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2010 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
2009 |
Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2009 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
2008 |
Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2008 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
2007 |
Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2007 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
2006 |
Fifth International Conference on Global Software Engineering
2010 |
The 11th International Conference on Agile Processes and
eXtreme Programming in Software Engineering (XP), 2010 |
IX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS), Technical
Track, in Portuguese, 2010 |
Workshop on Rapid Application Development (WDRA), 2010 |
VIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS), Experience
Report Track, in Portuguese, 2009 |
VI Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems (SBSC),
in Portuguese, 2009 |
Workshop on Rapid Application Development (WDRA), 2009 |
Second Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2009 |
VI Regional Project Management Seminar (PMI-RS), Porto
Alegre, Brazil, in Portuguese, 2009 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
in Portuguese, 2009 |
Fourth International Conference on Global Software Engineering
2009 |
IV MPS.BR Workshop (in Portuguese), 2008 |
9th International Conference on Product Focused Software
Process Improvement (PROFES)
- Short papers, 2008 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
in Portuguese, 2008 |
The Ninth International Conference on Agile Processes
and eXtreme Programming in Software Engineering (XP),
2008 |
Third International Conference on Global Software Engineering
2008 |
Second Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2008 |
XIII Computer Science Symposium, PUCRS Uruguaiana, in
Portuguese, 2008 |
Second Workshop on Measurement-based Cockpits for Distributed
Sw and Systems Engineering Projects (SOFTPIT), 2008 |
First Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development
2007 |
Second International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software
Engineering (IDoESE), 2007 |
VIII International Symposium on Software Process Improvement
(SIMPROS), 2007 |
Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software Engineering
in Portuguese, 2007 |
XII Computer Science Symposium, PUCRS Uruguaiana, in Portuguese,
2007 |
First International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software
Engineering (IDoESE), 2006 |
IV Regional Project Management Seminar (PMI-RS), Porto
Alegre, Brazil, in Portuguese, 2006 |
Second Workshop on Sociotechnical Aspects of Software
Engineering (WOSES),
in Portuguese, 2006 |
XI Computer Science Symposium, PUCRS Uruguaiana, in Portuguese,
2006 |
II Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2005 |
International Workshop on Distributed Software Development
at 13th RE Conference, 2005 |
VII International Symposium on Software Process Improvement
(SIMPROS), 2005 |
X Computer Science Symposium, PUCRS Uruguaiana, in Portuguese,
2005 |
VI Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop,
2009 |
XXXV Latin American Conference on Informatics, 2009 |
Information and Software Technology (IST), special issue
on Studying Work Practices in Global Software Engineering,
2009 |
European Journal of Information Systems, special issue
on Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration,
2009 |
IEEE Software, special issue on Collaborative and Human
Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), 2009 |
Requirements Engineering Conference, 2009 |
Requirements Engineering Conference, 2008 |
Advances in Engineering Software, 2008 |
Braziliam Program of Software Quality and Productivity
(PBQP-SW), since 2008 |
Infocomp - Journal of Computer Science, 2008 |
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),
track on Research Methods, 2008 |
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJec), 2007 |
15th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting in Information Systems,
2007 |
41 HICSS (Collaboratiom Systems Track, Cross-Organizational
and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration), 2007 |
Information and Software Technology (IST), special issue
on Qualitative Software Engineering Research, 2006 |
Information and Software Technology (IST), 2005 |
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),
Track on Breakthrough Ideas in IS, 2005 |
12th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting in Information Systems,
2004 |
- Americas Conference on Information Systems,
2004 |
Industry Track Chair of CBSoft - Brazilian Conference
on Software, Salvador, September 27th 2010 |
Agile Brazil - Brazilian Conference on Agile Methodologies
for Software Development, Porto Alegre, June 22-25, 2010 |
Workshops and Tutorials Co-Chair of the Fifth
International Conference on Global Software Engineering
2010 |
Program Chair of the Fifth Workshop on Sociotechnical
Aspects of Software Engineering (WOSES),
2009 |
General Chair of the
Third Brazilian Workshop on Distributed
Software Development (WDDS),
2009 |
General Chair of the Fourth Workshop on Sociotechnical
Aspects of Software Engineering (WOSES),
2008 |
Posters Chair of the Third International Conference on
Global Software Engineering (ICGSE),
2008 |
in Computer Science, PUCRS,
Brazil, 2005-2009 |
Patterns evolution in the practice of DSD within Internal
Offshoring environments: a Capability Model |
Visiting researcher, 2007-2008, University of Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada, Segal
Group |
Visiting researcher, 2006, University of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada, Segal
Group |
M. Sc. Computer Science, PUCRS,
Brazil, 2003 |
A Reference Model for Distributed Software Development |
B. Sc. Computer Science, PUCRS,
Brazil, 2001 |
Project Management Institute (PMI) |
Scrum Alliance |
Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) |
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
Association for Information Systems (AIS) |
Software Project Management |
Software Quality |
Distributed Software Development (DSD) |
Requirements Engineering (RE) |
Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) |
Lean and Agile Methodologies applied to Software Development |
Leader and co-founder of MuNDDoS
(Research Group on Distributed Software Development),
since 2001 |
Member of the Experimental SE Research Group, since 2007
Member of the Software Reuse Research Group, since 2008
projects (themes) |
Patterns of Evolution in the Practice of Distributed Software
Development (Dell/PUCRS Agreement and CAPES Agency) |
Software Process Improvement - MPS.BR, the Brazilian software
quality model (Softsul) |
Lean and Agile Methodologies applied to Software Development |
The Management
of Distributed Teams |
Software Reuse and Distributed Software Development |
Software Engineering Education |
Software Effort Estimation and Metrics (Dell/PUCRS Agreement) |
PhD Internship program, CAPES, Mar 2007 - Feb 2008 |