News (January 26th, 2010)
- Preliminary Announcement: Mark WOSP/SIPEW 2011 in your calendars! (subject to approval by the sponsoring bodies).
- Poster dimensions.
- US Visa Support Letters information.
- Conference Schedule is available.
- Registration is available.
- Hotel and Venue information.
- Tutorials are available.
- Notification to authors postponed to 16th September.
- Student Travel and Conference Child Care Grants from ACM SIGSOFT
- In response to numerous requests, we have extended the submission deadline to July 21st.
- Call for Tutorials and Posters information is available
- David Patterson (UC Berkeley, link to Biography) will be a keynote speaker at WOSP/SIPEW. Title: Software Knows Best: Portable Parallelism Requires Standardized Measurements of Transparent Hardware.
- Poster is available.
- Final dates are available.
- Call for Papers is available.
The goal of the 1st Joint WOSP/SIPEW
International Conference on Performance Engineering is to provide a
forum for ideas in performance engineering of software and systems,
including performance measurement, modeling, benchmark design, and
run-time performance management. WOSP/SIPEW is established as a joint
meeting of the ACM Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP) and the
SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop (SIPEW).
Since its inception in 1998, WOSP has
brought together software engineers, developers, performance analysts
and software/performance modelers who are addressing the challenges of
increasing system complexity, rapidly evolving software technologies,
short time to market, incomplete documentation, and less-than-adequate
methods, models and tools for developing, modeling, and measuring
scalable, high-performance software. The focus of WOSP is therefore in
the intersection of software and performance, rather than one
discipline in isolation.
SIPEW was established by the Standard
Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) with the goal to bridge the
gap between theory and practice in the field of system performance
evaluation by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences
between industry and academia. The workshop brings together researchers
and industry practitioners to share and present their experiences,
discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress
research in all aspects of performance evaluation.
The conference is co-located with the
SPEC Annual Meeting 2010 which will be attended by numerous
representatives from across the hardware and software industry. This
will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to meet with industry
Download CFP
Download Poster
Download FLYER WOSP 2011
 subject to approval by the sponsoring bodies |