R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, R. A. Glanzner, "WAVE – Um Modelo de Capacidade para
Desenvolvimento de Software com Captive Centers”. Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de
Software, 2011, Curitiba.

R. Prikladnicki, J. L.
N. Audy, "Managing Global Software Engineering: A Comparative
Analysis of Offshore Outsourcing and the Internal Offshoring of Software Development”.
Accepted for publication at the Information Systems Management Journal.
SHULL, "Patterns in Effective Distributed Software
Development". IEEE Software, v. 27, p. 12-15, 2010.
"Process Models in the Practice of Distributed Software
Development: A Systematic Review of the Literature". Information and Software Technology, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2010.
N. AUDY, "Global Software Engineering and the Brazilian
Perspective". Editorial. Journal of the Brazilian Computer
Society, special issue on Global Software Engineering, v. 16, no 2,
R. PRIKLADNICKI, "Propinquity
in Global Software Engineering: Examining Perceived Distance in
Globally Distributed Project Teams". Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, 2010.
R. A.
Glanzner, R. Prikladnicki, J. L. N. Audy,
"Classificando organizações de Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software no modelo de capacidade WAVE, " Accepted to be presented at IV
Workshop em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software, 2010, Salvador.
WDDS, 2010.
"Distributed Software Development with Captive Centers". INFOCOMP (UFLA. Impresso), 2010.
R. Prikladnicki, J. L.
N. Audy, "Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software com Captive Centers,"
Proc. of the Third Brazilian Workshop on Distributed
Software Development (collocated with the XXII Brazilian Symposium
on Software Engineering), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2009, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki, J. L.
N. Audy, "Comparing Offshore Outsourcing and the Internal Offshoring of Software Development: A Qualitative
Study," In Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS 2009), San Francisco, USA, 2009.

R. Prikladnicki,
"Exploring Propinquity in Global Software Engineering," In IEEE Int'l Conference on Global Software Engineering
(ICGSE 09), Limerick, Ireland, 2009.

R. Prikladnicki,
"QUASE – A Quantitative Approach to Analyze the Human Aspects of
Software Development Projects," In CHASE
(Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering) at ICSE, Vancouver,
Canada, 2009.

R. Prikladnicki, A. Boden, "Towards an Understanding of the
Different Dimensions of Conducting Qualitative Research in Global
Software Engineering," In Workshop on Qualitative Research in
Software Engineering (QUALSE), Vancouver,

R. Prikladnicki, and
J. L. N. Audy, "Distributed Project Management," In Wiley
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (Benjamim Wah, ed.), 2009.

R. Prikladnicki, and
J. L. N. Audy, "Interdisciplinaridade na Engenharia de Software -
Interdisciplinarity in Software Engineering,
" In Revista Scientia, v. 19, n. 2, p. 117-127, July - Dec, 2008, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
and J. L. N. Audy, "Uma Abordagem Quantitative para Gerenciar a Distância Percebida em Equipes
Distribuídas de Desenvolvimento de Software," In Infocomp Journal of Computer Science, Special Edition, 2008, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
and J. L. N. Audy, "Gestão Quantitativa de
Pessoas em DDS: primeira aplicação de um modelo para o cálculo da distância
percebida relativa em equipes distribuídas de desenvolvimento de
software," Proc. of the
Second Brazilian Workshop on Distributed Software Development (collocated
with the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering),
Campinas, Brazil, 2008, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
D. Damian and J. L. N. Audy, "Patterns of Evolution in the Practice of
Distributed Software Development in Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: A
Preliminary Capability Model ," Proc. IEEE
Int'l Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 08), Bangalore,
India, 2008.

M. Cristal, D. Wildt,
and R. Prikladnicki, "Usage of SCRUM
practices within CMM global companies," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference
on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 08), Bangalore, India, 2008.

R. Prikladnicki,
and L. Pilatti, "Improving contextual
skills in Global Software Engineering: A corporate training
experience," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference on Global Software
Engineering (ICGSE 08), Bangalore, India, 2008.

R. Prikladnicki, D.
Damian, and J. L. N. Audy, "Patterns of Evolution in the Practice of
Distributed Software Development: Quantitative Results from a Systematic
Review," Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE),
Bari, Italy, 2008.

R. Prikladnicki, R. Evaristo, D. Damian, and J. L. N. Audy,
"Conducting Qualitative Research in an International and Distributed
Research Team: Challenges and Lessons Learned," Proc. 41th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 08), Hawaii, minitrack Research Methods and Applications, 2008.

H. L. Cuckierman, C. Teixeira, and
R. Prikladnicki, "Um Olhar Sociotécnico sobre a Engenharia de Software," In
"Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada", vol. 14, n.2,
199-219, 2007, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
C. de Souza, "Pesquisas Qualitativas em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de
Software: Um Relato de Experiências com Estudo de Caso e
Etnografia," Proc. IV Experimental Software Engineering Latin
America Workshop, São Paulo, Brazil, 2007, in Portuguese.

J. L. N. Audy, and R. Prikladnicki, "Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software: Desenvolvimento de Software com Equipes
Distribuídas," Série Livros Didáticos Campus-SBC,
Editora Campus/Elsevier, 2007. First book in portuguese about
distributed software development. Click
here for more information.




R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, AUDY, D. Damian, and T. C. Oliveira, "Distributed
Software Development: Practices and challenges in different business
strategies of offshoring and onshoring," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference on
Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 07), Munich, Germany, 2007.

C. H. Szymanski, and R. Prikladnicki, "The Evolution of the Internal
Offshore Software Development Model at Dell Inc," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference
on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 07), Munich, Germany, 2007.

L. Pilatti, R. Prikladnicki, and J. L. N. Audy, "Avaliando os Impactos dos
Aspectos Não-Técnicos da Engenharia de Software em Ambientes de
Desenvolvimento Global de Software: Um Caso Prático," Proc. III Workshop
Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico sobre a Engenharia de Software (WOSES 07), Porto
de Galinhas, Brazil. VI SBQS - Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de
Software, 2007, in Portuguese, www.cos.ufrj.br/~woses.

R. Prikladnicki,
R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy, and M. H. Yamaguti,
"Minimizing the Challenges of Risk Management in Distributed IT
Projects: The Importance of the Alignment of Strategic, Tactical, and
Operational Levels," In: Ned Kock. (Org.).
E-Collaboration in Modern Organizations: Initiating and Managing
Distributed Projects (Advances in e-Collaboration Series: Volume 2),

R. Prikladnicki,
R. Evaristo, J. L. N. Audy, and M. H. Yamaguti,
"Risk Management in Distributed IT Projects: Integrating Strategic,
Tactical, and Operational Levels in a Headquarter-Subsidiary
Relationship," International Journal of e-Collaboration, Oct-Dec. 2006, v. 2, pp. 1-18.

R. Prikladnicki, and J. L. N.
Audy, " Construção de Conhecimento e
Complexidade na área de Engenharia de Software," Proc. II Workshop
Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico sobre a Engenharia de Software (WOSES 06), Vila
Velha, Brazil. V SBQS - Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, pp.
51-64, 2007, in Portuguese,

R. Prikladnicki, and J. L. N.
Audy, "Uma Análise Comparativa de Práticas de Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software no Brasil e no exterior," Proc. 20th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
(SBES 06), Florianópolis, Brazil, pp. 255-270, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, and R. Evaristo, "A
Reference Model for Global Software Development: Findings from a Case
Study," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE
06), Florianópolis, Brazil, IEEE Computer
Society Press, p p. 18-25, 2006.

R. Prikladnicki,
S. Marczak, and J. L. N. Audy, "MuNDDoS: A
Research Group on Global Software Development," Proc. IEEE Int'l
Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 06), Florianópolis,
Brazil, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 251-252, 2006.

R. Prikladnicki,
D. Damian, and J. L. N. Audy, "Offshoring
Distributed Software Development: Issues and Challenges," Tech
Report DCS-317-IR, University of Victoria, Canada, 2006.

R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, and D. Damian, "Offshore Sourcing of Software
Development Projects:Towards
a Maturity Model Proposal for Offshore Insourcing,"
1st Int'l Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE 06), Rio de Janeiro, 2006.

R. Prikladnicki,
R. Evaristo, K. Gallagher, L. Lopes, and J. L.
N. Audy, "The Role of Culture in Interpreting Qualitative Data:
Methodological Issues in an Exploratory Study of Cross-Cultural
Distributed Software Development," 13th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting
in Information Systems at ICIS, Las Vegas, 2005.

R. Prikladnicki, and J. L. N.
Audy, "Os Aspectos Não-Técnicos Intervenientes no Desenvolvimento
Distribuído de Software," Proc. I Workshop Um Olhar Sócio-Técnico
sobre a Engenharia de Software (WOSES 05), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp.
45-56, in Portuguese, www.cos.ufrj.br/~woses.

R. Espindola, L.
Lopes, R. Prikladnicki, and
J. L. N. Audy, "Uma Abordagem Baseada em Gestão do Conhecimento para
Gerência de Requisitos em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software,"
Proc. VIII Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER 05), Cidade do Porto, Portugal, 2005, in Portuguese.

M. Vanzin,
M. Blois, R. Prikladnicki, I. Ceccato, and D. Antunes,
"Global Software Processes Definition in a Distributed
Environment," Proc. 29th Annual NASA/IEEE Software Engineering
Workshop, Washington DC, USA, 2005.

R. Evaristo,
J. L. N. Audy, R. Prikladnicki, and J. Avritchir,
"Wholly Owned Offshore Subsidiaries for IT Development: A Program of
Research," Proc. 38th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS 05), Hawaii, 2005.

J. Avritchir, R. Prikladnicki,
R. Evaristo, and J. L. N. Audy, "A
Maturity Model for Offshore Insourcing: A
Research Proposal," Proc. Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS 04), New York, 2004.

R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, and R. Evaristo, "An
Empirical Study on Global Software Development: Offshore Insourcing of IT Projects," Proc 3rd Int'l
Workshop on Global Software Development at ICSE (GSD 04), Edinburgh,

Previous Publications Related to the PhD
R. Prikladnicki, L. Lopes, J. L. N. Audy, and R. Evaristo,
"Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software: um Modelo de Classificação
dos Níveis de Dispersão dos Stakeholders,"
Proc. I Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI 04), Porto
Alegre, Brazil, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki, and J. L. N.
Audy, "MuNDDoS:
Um Modelo de Referência para Desenvolvimento Distribuído de
Software," Proc. 20th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 04), Brasilia,
Brazil, in Portuguese.

R. Prikladnicki,
J. L. N. Audy, and R. Evaristo, "A
Reference Model for Global Software Development," Proc. 5th IFIP
Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Toulosse,
France, 2004.
