
Short Biography

Fabiano Hessel is Full Professor of Computer Science at PUCRS, Brazil, and Research Productivity Scholarship from CNPq. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Joseph-Fourier University (formely Grenoble University), France (2000) where he also acted as technical-scientific coordinator of  European projects in the area of embedded systems. He is the head of Embedded System Group (GSE) and the Coordinator of the Smart City Innovation Center at PUCRS. He also participates in the IEEE IoT and Smart Cities interest groups. He was the Associate Editor of the ACM Transaction on Embedded Computer Systems, General Chair and/or Program Chair of IEEE RSP, CBSEC and IEEE RFID Brasil, and Brazil and South America Representative of ISQED. He participates in several technical/program committees of prestigious conferences and journals. He had several publications in prestigious conferences and journals, book chapters and books.

Detailed CV in Portuguese*: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4842733764531027

*(right upper side a short English version is provided, for complete list of publications click in “publicações”)

Research Interests

Teaching (in Portuguese)
       Organização e Arquitetura de Computadores I   
       Sistemas Operacionais  

     PUCRS - School of Technology - Computer Science 
  Av. Ipiranga, 6681 Prédio 32
            90619-900 Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil
  [email protected]
+55 51 3320-3500 ext. 8720 or +55 51 3353-8720
  +55 51 3320-3621

Last Update: March/2020